Oats In The Morning A Healthy Breakfast To Eat !


Healthy Oats Breakfast

One thing we always get to hear is the importance of breakfast. It is often termed as the most important meal of the day. As the name suggests, the meal breaks the overnight fasting period and recharges your body for the day ahead.  


Naturally, eating the right breakfast will set the tone for the day, especially with the modern-day schedules where we have developed a routine to skip breakfast, which is a major form of disordered eating. A healthy breakfast is like a jumpstart to the body and keeps the body away from various health issues just like oiling the engine at the right time increases the life of the engine.


Oats for breakfast is so widely recommended by leading dieticians that you can often spot oats for breakfast in the diet plan of the leading actors and fitness enthusiasts. Anthony Mackie, popularly known as the Falcon who was recently spotted in Falcon & the Winter Soldier, spoke about consuming steel-cut oats for breakfast as a part of his diet plan; it helped him stay energetic throughout his intense morning workouts and power-packed through the day.


A good breakfast is a good start to the day, why we recommend eating oats for breakfast:

·         Nutrition Packed Kickstart 

It is called one of the healthiest grains in the world because it is power-packed with various vitamins, fiber & nutrients like manganese, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and natural-based antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for one's health hence a brilliant way to recharge your body at the start of your day. Oats are known to complement a variety of flavors. Whip up different recipes using the Oateo Steel Cut Oats and add an element of fun and surprise to your breakfast!

·         Healthy Heart and Immunity Boosting 

The grain is rich in a form of soluble fiber called beta-glucan that transforms into a gel that absorbs cholesterol, as we know cholesterol is one of the root causes of cardiac diseases. Oats also contain various antioxidants that provide additional protection against coronary heart diseases and help control blood pressure. The beta-glucan also helps boost our infection-fighting blood cells. Oats are also packed with selenium and zinc, which are important for warding off any infection and helping you boost your immunity in this pandemic.

·         Keeps your intestines clean and weight in check

A bowl of cooked oatmeal usually contains anywhere between 150 - 200 calories and is packed with fiber & protein making it a part of a perfectly balanced diet. This effectively is one of the best breakfasts to avoid a constipated feeling throughout the day. Packed with fiber, both soluble & insoluble, the insoluble fiber in Oats helps clear out the digestive tracts and gives the body the required bowel movement. Oatmeal also makes you feel very full and thereby reduces the feeling of untimely hunger pangs and keeping your weight in check.




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